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Omnichannel CX
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Learn more >Clients are happy. So happy.

As the President of the company, I cannot say enough about the Pentwater team, and how they went way above and beyond for my company. They saved us in a time of dire crisis. And furthermore, in the two years since we hired them, they have continued to reduce our costs, grow our revenue, and solve problems for us. Their agents in the Philippines have the perfect touch of tenderness with our precious customers – they are kind and patient, and also very proactive in solving problems.
Jody P.

Micah M.
We approached the Pentwater Connect team with a very unique “Customer Experience” challenge. After a 20-minute strategy call, they crafted a perfect solution for us! We now have an omnichannel CX solution that uses the latest cloud-based technologies that meet our needs perfectly, all at a cost that is far less than we expected. Our customers love doing business with us, and our growth has been stratospheric! Thanks Pentwater!

The Pentwater Connect team takes such good care of our customers! (They handle customer service for our ecommerce site.) Shopify just announced that our online store is “one of the highest growth brands on Shopify! The recent growth rate of your store is in the top 1% of over one million brands.”
In the last two years, our revenues have been up 55% and 61% respectively. Our growth has been nothing but spectacular. And this year is already setting records. The Pentwater team is a crucial part of this growth. The Pentwater Connect team treat our customers with such love and kindness that they keep coming back!
Nancy W.

I started working with the Pentwater team in 2008 as I was starting a new company. Warren and his team helped me launch that company and working with Warren has been incredibly impactful. That first company I started became the industry leader in its niche, and I was able to later sell that company for a large payout. Meanwhile I started another company that I continue to own and operate – that company will generate over $25 million in revenues this year and is still growing rapidly.
The Pentwater team is now helping me launch two more companies in the field of artificial intelligence. I expect these will be equally successful, and the Pentwater team will be driving that success. I have committed significant resources to these two new companies and would not have engaged Warren and his Pentwater team without having complete trust in them.
Jeff Z.